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We have lots of maps for biking and hiking. Browse and search them below or download them all here.

Name Activity Region
Alaska Basin and Table Mountain hiking Teton
Ashton Tetonia Trail hiking Island Park
Bear Creek Trail hiking Palisades
Beaver Dick to Egin Lake biking Rexburg
Beaver Dick to Sloughs biking Rexburg
Big Elk Creek Trail hiking Palisades
Bike Trailheads North of IF biking SE Idaho
Bike West Proposed Area biking Idaho Falls
Bitch Creek Area Trails hiking Teton
Blackfoot to Tilden Loop biking Blackfoot
Blacktail Ozone biking Idaho Falls
Burns Creek Area Trails hiking Palisades
Camas Refuge biking Idaho Falls
City Creek Bike biking Pocatello
Darby Canyon Area hiking Teton
Dead Horse Ridge Area Trails hiking Big Holes
Driggs Victor biking Teton
Dubois Eightmile Canyon hiking Dubois
Dubois RD hiking Dubois
Dubois Signal Peak hiking Dubois
Dubois Stoddard Cr Area hiking Dubois
Dubois Trail Creek hiking Dubois
Dubois Webber Creek hiking Dubois
Echo Canyon Area Trails hiking Big Holes
Firth to Blackfoot biking Blackfoot
Fogg Hill Area Trails hiking Big Holes
Grant Menan Buttes biking Rexburg
Grant Roberts Loop biking Rexburg
Henry’s Fork Loop biking Ashton
Horseshoe Canyon Area Trails hiking Big Holes
Inkom Marsh Valley biking Inkom
John’s Hole Northwest biking Idaho Falls
KC State Mtn Bike A hiking Kelly Canyon
KC State Mtn Bike alpine hiking Kelly Canyon
KC State Mtn Bike B hiking Kelly Canyon
KC State Mtn Bike C hiking Kelly Canyon
Leigh Creek Area Trails hiking Teton
Little Indian biking Idaho Falls
McCammon to Lava biking Inkom
Menan Butte hiking Rexburg
Menan South (Big Ditch) biking Rexburg
Menan to Beaver Dick biking Rexburg
Moose Creek Taylor Mtn Area hiking Teton
New Sweden biking Idaho Falls
North to South Fork of Indian Creek Loop hiking Palisades
Osgood Roller Loop biking Idaho Falls
Osgood School Loops biking Idaho Falls
Palisades Creek Trails hiking Palisades
Palisades Teton Map hiking Palisades
Palisades Teton OA hiking Palisades
Pine Creek Area Trails hiking Palisades
Rainey Creek Area Trails hiking Palisades
Red Road towards Kilgore biking St. Anthony
Rigby Ucon Loop biking Idaho Falls
Ririe to Lyman biking Idaho Falls
Roberts to Sage Junction biking Idaho Falls
Shelley Park South biking Idaho Falls
Snake River Landing to Shelley biking Idaho Falls
South Fork Fall Creek hiking Palisades
Table Mountain hiking Teton
Targhee Creek Area hiking Teton
Tautphaus Iona biking Idaho Falls
Tautphaus to Foothills biking Idaho Falls
Tautphaus to Shelley biking Idaho Falls
Taylorville to Goshen+ biking Idaho Falls
Thousand Springs to Garns Mountain hiking Big Holes
Trailheads North biking SE Idaho
Trailheads South biking Idaho Falls
US 20 to Heise biking Idaho Falls
Warm River Fish Creek Rd biking Island Park
Warm River Springs Area Trails hiking Island Park
Westside Elkhorn Mtn Area hiking Pocatello
Westside Gibson Slate hiking Pocatello
Westside Loops biking Idaho Falls
Westside Mink Creek Area hiking Pocatello
Westside Oxford Clarkston hiking Pocatello
Westside Scout Mountain hiking Pocatello
Westside Topence_Pebble Area hiking Pocatello
Wolverine Creek Area Trails hiking Kelly Canyon
Wolverine Little Indian biking Idaho Falls